My Tattoo
Quick Weapon Settings
Quick weapons wheel settings
Zooma’s shooting form
I was always curious why I felt batches weren’t as good as they used to be. Instacart doesn’t pay for distance anymore
My boys be making bank. I’m pretty sure they said this is just from subs, not donations or sponsors
Two of the CG boys in the top 100 earners on Twitch’s leaked payouts. 💪🏻 💰
Would you guys accept this order?
Autozone orders
He was out of his room so I made him go back in for the confirmation code
With this new instacart update do I need to be closer to stores to get their orders? Or have you guys found it to be the same as before?
Hot Take
Really? Class 2’s for this? REALLY?!?!
Who taught meek mill the accelerated bongcloud?!?!
Imagine having an escapee artist/rogue tortoise lol
Me talking to my mom about investing in my work as a shopper
Me wanting to play chess after watching a hikaru video....
Was going over a game I played and it said I could force checkmate faster (it was previously at checkmate in 2) so I do this and I’m so confused
What I send to customers when I begin delivering
which dps character better for late game
Best guardian from a super un(BIASED) opinion
The Four Horsemen - "God" Concept s
It took forever, but, finally my first penta kill