Is the light novel ahead of the manga?
I know these kinds of posts aren't as prevalent as they were in 2017, but I'd support the mods banning them anyway on the sole basis that they simply aren't funny.
The hour of Awakening is near
Welcome to the ___________, how was the fall?
Any Xbox 360 Zombies Hackers/Glitchers?
Suboptimal performance with high end PC
What is your favourite weapon and why?
What are the best weapons for stealth?
GamePlay "idea"
Who else misses these days?
Is bo3 worth buying as I’ve only ever played Cold War?
I've been playing fortnite since chapter 1 season 3 and I have 1669 hours played in total. Is that good or bad?
Should i buy the zombies maps?
This season Low-key sucked
200 IQ Gameplay from Dark Prince
Why does this not give dl 1 and the dlcs other than the following
Crushed my left pair of galaxy buds 3
Shadow meets Oneesan Fox & Black Jugga Jugga
Introduceding missing no!
Odyssey : boat
Is this emote worth the 1k gems?
This is a bucket
What made you get into the sonic series?
How are your ranked randoms