AMA: Private Equity Associate, $340K Comp at age 24
For Quant - Mathematics with Economics, Mathematics, or Economics?
Apart from IB, what other professions in Finance pays well?
Market close in 10 mins, stock at 220.
$280 boink happened!
Seems that the 250 support broke, but we are firm at 240
Price hit 250s, are you still in the stock?
Those holding, how are you coping with the dump? Do you plan to sell at some point or ride it out no matter what?
AP CSP Create Task Ideas?
Everyone speaks English on here , what is your first language?
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Have you ever seen someone famous in real life? How was the experience?
Need to get my karma up and make friends 🤷🏻♀️
Is the Bible Fact or a great Story Book ?
İ have found top 1000 sat words and they look too hard. Do you have any advice?(English is my second language)
Is there a lot of poverty in Qatar?
1500+ scorers, how much did you study? What was your starting score?
Low IQ but high SAT