The Last of Us is depressing, Uncharted is uplifting
Is 50mb internet fast enough for gaming and streaming?
I don't know why I even bothered...
New Game for the system machine
Why is it so much fun to bash this game?
Blast in the past
Have you ever seen something so beautiful?
Bro I actually just realized Uncharted 2 is peak gaming
Been Outside for months next to a burn pile
My top 5 on ps4 is also my top 5 on ps5! Whats your top 5 on your ps4/ps5?
Why'd they make Nora bald? Thought we got a sneak peek of Lev for a second.
Get yourself a Bluetooth receiver. It'll make things more enjoyable.
What are your thoughts on my top 20 favorite games?
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
Playstation 2 Magazine UK 2005
All game collectors, what do you do for a living?
Why was uncharted 2 so ambitious?
Please help, my samsung dryer started making this weird noise.
PS3 never gets old too me !
Should I pull the trigger?
Official Forza Horizon 5 will require an Xbox (Microsoft) account to play on PlayStation 5.
Insomniac vs Naughty Dog🔥What studio is in a better state right now?
First playthrough… Beyond excited.
Did they really do this? Your thoughts?
Anyone else play this game close to release on PS5, and now getting back into it on PC?