How did you get to know about porn? Did anyone introduce you to it?
I (21f) am pregnant, and I think the father (27m) is a gay man.
AITAH for wanting to wait a little to get married?
Is this too low for the windshield, Will I get used to it?
Is 35% windshield and 20% on sides/rear too dark?
Is working and being an adult this lonely?
STEM people: Did any of you struggle hard in undergrad?
Recently obtained a 2008 ford explorer v8. Not very experienced with cars, what should I have checked/done to maximize the life of the vehicle? More details below.
Advice for getting rid of feelings for my Aunt.
When do you draw a firm boundary around your communication with people who are not looking for a relationship (with you)?
How do i stop thinking about my partners past? 18F and 18M
I(27M) am having a hard time with proposing to my (27F) Girlfriend and cant figure out why.
What’s a small, everyday inconvenience that irrationally annoys you more than it should?
Describe the feeling you get when doing the right thing?
How would you describe the first time you ever went on a date?
What's the biggest hyper fixation you've had?
What kind of conversations do you have with your gay friends?
Do I have trauma from my ex-partner?
my 2nd apt m 19
Aitah for not telling my stepmom that my father’s a cheater?
Is he messing with me or is he just confused?
Should I get this 600/mo auto loan given these details about my finances?
What did you go to school for and what do you do now?
Is my ex girlfriend only interested in my friendship abilities?
I (29F) am jealous of my fiancées (30M) attention to 🌽how can I work through this?