Is this normal or just my flavour of autism?
What Attacker/Defender should I get next?
Che gioco è?
My games are not working in my friends account, what shall i do?
can i share ps plus from an european account to a japanese one??
Ps plus in Japan
why 60 fps?
Finally Starting The Witcher 3! Any Tips?
Secondo voi di quale gioco si tratta?
Erdtree voucher not working
PS5 DLC Digital Codes Doesn't Work
Is this a good team?
Error c1-2749-2 while downloading cloud data saves
How can I hunt a Teostra?
Error when downloading cloud save
[Discussion]What is your lowest precentage plat?
Siete qui da soli, che canzone ascoltereste?
when stats will be avaliable?
pls help me
FINALLY, I have bought the dlc's for Gravity Rush Psvita
[Discussion] When did you get your first platinum?!
Guess what these three games have in common!
final fantasy x
New 2ds XL not turning on, only red notification light appears
[Other] Do games of different regions have separate trophy lists?