How do you find a woman who loves jesus
Should i stop having sex till i get married?
Hitting goals baby
Im still feeling skinny even tho i put on literally 45lbs
55 days clean
Feeling alone today
I feel super awkward sometimes
Unbelievable Transformation
Day 2. This is unpleasant
Should I Leave My Husband?
need to gain weight
I took kratom everyday for almost a decade. Now I’m almost a month off it. I hardly think of it at all anymore.
Rant Wednesday
How do you enjoy your life?
I'm having a hard time rn. Can someone say some encoraguing words or motivate me to stay sober
Just saw my family first time after getting sober
Need tips and pointers for a beginner
I'm trapped in 7OH Hell
6 weeks in and feeling really good
My life went to hell after quitting
Pain is weakness leaving the body!
Captain america brave new world sucked
Going to rehab but scared
I put on nearly 40lbs and i still feel skinny
Where do you start counting?