Setting advice for a 3.1 carat Oval! Has anyone had a setting made like this?
I’m not sure if it’s best for the baby if I go through with this pregnancy
Terrified of having a boy...
Need help deciding if this is too big!
🚨TW: My traumatic birth story
Are Silicone bottles safe?
I (25f) just found out I’m pregnant and my boyfriend (28m) thinks we should abort it
Night wakes getting worse
How often do you bathe your baby?
I wish I never had a baby
From good sleeper to absolute worst. Travel+ sickness. Please please help!
Please help! Transitioning to formula possibly keeping up milk supply 7 month old.
„Just don’t think about it”
Do you feed LO at every night wake up?
Too soon to get engaged?
When did you start menstruating again?
Am I asking too much? Help with 6month sleep training & night weaning.
Please Help! Supply issue, letdown, teething or something else?
Engagement Ring CAD check please!
CAD check please!
Please help me chose an oval diamond!
5.5 month old is a totally different baby!
Best oval brilliant + hidden halo setting
i’m 15 weeks and some days i don’t feel pregnant
Looks like I'm taking a vacation from r/pregnant. It was a nice month while it lasted.