“That’s what they always do, release an OP Season Pass card and then nerf when f2p plebs can play it”
March 13th OTA Patch Notes
Should I pull? Would I still be able to ensure Khonshu and maybe Firehair?
I swear this people are not evil! 😭
The Early Prehistoric Avengers Season metagame Discussion
what are the odds i pull esson as random sanctorum s4-5 card
Competitive Consensus: Diamondback
April Fools idea: Artists' Day Off Variants (You can only get them free btw)
Sanctum Showdown Life Hack
February 27th OTA Patch Notes
So the Season Pass cards have been the best cards of their season for the last few seasons in a row now.
Does this mean that those in Infinite remain in that rank next season?
Crushed infinity conquest with this deck
Sanctum Showdown is getting a lot of hate, but I think they have done a fantastic job..
Sam Wilson needs to be banned in this new game mode.
Mastery has killed Variant Split Fun for me
Mill counters? What a cancer this deck is on this game.
Will you be getting Diamondback tomorrow? Why or why not?
Finally it's here!
Infinite with off-meta misery fun!
Why You Should Drop Wong (Most of the Time) and Run Symbiote Spider-Man in Your Negative Deck.
PSA: you can use your golden tickets for free stuff in the conquest shop even if you dont play conquest
Most fun deck I’ve played in awhile
February 13th OTA Patch Notes
Mole Man Offers a New Take On a (Functional) 4/10