Am I wrong?
teacher yelling at students
UTI symptoms since starting Prozac but no uti ?
prozac is amazing so far
HELP: Prozac DAY 31 it gets worse
i was told the wrong gender of my baby?
Why does Trisha paytas have more stage presence than Nessa??
Finally able to smoke again
Weed first, then shrooms or the other way around?
Has Prozac helped you with social anxiety?
Daily Log Including Switch to 20mg
worse period symptoms?
Anyone ever done shrooms under the stars?
About to start first dose
baby’s first dose
How do I talk to a student about body odor without damaging her self-esteem?
I am shocked
What’s a good movie to watch on 🍄🍄🟫🍄🍄🟫
Panicking now
What NOT to watch during Shrooms.
I feel weird coming back after break
First year teacher and handling disrespect. I feel like I haven’t been handling it well & feel awful about it
Does anyone ever experience Clique-y ness/bitchiness at your school? Staff-wise?
Apologize in the comments like how your parents would.
Education Assistant (EA) working with control freak teacher