What songs do you sing to your baby that aren’t traditional lullabies/children’s songs?
Am I crazy or... ?? OnePlus 11
C. Versicolor sling is on the ground
Wasn't scared at first... Now I am?
Spam me with info! First time T parent!
Did I fix it? Do I need to do more?
My ex left me the majority of his estate(amounts to $700000). His parents demand that I leave it to his wife and child.
What's the most beautiful place in the USA in your personal opinion?
Looking for ideas!
Serious lag with High Refresh Rate on OP 10 Pro - are there any fixes?
OnePlus 11 issues - HELP!
Battery life, Camera, Fast Charging, TMobile, Big Screen!
Is this the stain coming off? Or is it really this dirty?!
My (27F) soon to be sister in law (22F) said something about my 3mo old that made me really uncomfortable.
Download Issues
What's the most American sounding name you could think of?
Put your favorite picture of you hamster in the comments, here is my favorite :)
Went from this to --> THAT :) (also need advice)
SEND HELP - I'm so picky about names
Do your rotties howl? (he's half husky😅)
Potty training help
Looking for feedback on how to improve my macaron boxes :)
please help - will it get better?
Pregnant and not happy about it