Did anybody *not* get the puppy blues?
BFF is having her first baby. SOS.
Outfit Choices Making Me Crazy – Specific Recs Needed!
Did your high school have a swimming pool?
Who’s death on a tv show stunned you?
My unborn son was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta type 3.
What's that one candy that you love, but is insanely obscure?
I have a hard time believing it gets better.
I’m curious, where would y’all live if you won the lottery?
How often do you wash your dog?
Dog only eats the right side of his food.. Why?
Client is requesting daily video call checkins
How representative is the American 🇺🇸 section in this supermarket from The Netherlands 🇳🇱?
Award Travel Lounge Access
Looking for Next Credit Card Recommendations for Low Spend but Upcoming $3k Vet Bill!
What is the worst routing you have ever taken and will u take it again
Whats your favorite thing to airfry besides french fries and leftover pizza?
Paris on a very low budget?
30 years and I've finally got to see the Toblerone mountain.
Rate my top 10 lol
What's a creepy fact you wish you never learned?
Discontinued candy
What’s the best thing you’ve bought for travel
What do you write in your notebook/journal ?
What to do while eating alone?