Is it worth buying pickaxes?
Two months of playing this game.
Dones anyone actually like this event?
How many Lures per legendary pull?
Rune shovels vs promised relic shovels
F2P what do i buy for the next step
This is getting ridiculous.
Character unlock question
1000kg as full f2p
Is this good? Can't decide, please help.
I don’t think I’ll get much more out of the fishing event. What should my winnings be spent on?
Will there ever be a better Caster than him?
Finally after 2 weeks cleared floor 450
Is there a way to see how many bait spent/used?
I’m grinding this!! Which rune is good?
Best way to fish, 1x 2x 5x or 10x?
135 Dice 19950 Points 👎
Dice event luck
Should i save dices this evening seems whack last one was better
26k in 57 Rolls
Keep your little 100 gems. Give us another day.
Fusing gear together
Harp since I haven’t got it from carnival?
What is best Choice?
Refunding accidental purchase