I'm making a Mushoku tensei inspired minecraft texture pack! (not a mod)
Born destined to die
Wrote this one a while back but never completed it, today i did.
Life in constant pain, pratically immortal, death is the only relief. What to do?
What does God think of homosexual love?
Is it moral to try and convince a happy homosexual couple to break up?
I'm leaving Canada tomorrow in the morning and Virgin SIM cancellation number is unavaible
Do you ever feel in love with God?
The real reasons the OT states homosexuality is sin
Can I ask you a question?
God's Plan and Elton John
Is getting a tattoo a sun?
What’s your least favorite trope/genre when reading fantasy or in general in a book?
Sargon, where did you learn? You're amazing!
How does the bible and God fit into the Biocentric Design?
To all the people who believe homosexuality to be a sin
I’ve turned myself Christian, and this is what I have to say.
TIFU by sending a meme to a girl
The implications of this panel
I hurt my foot 2 months ago and it still hurts
The real monster was Johans hair all along
What if i kill the r*pist and killer of a person i love and don't regret it?
Ya'll, comment about Jesus not being the messiah i found on youtube, anybody care to prove it wrong or argue it?
Why doesn't God just allow us to simply disappear after death?
Ieri purtroppo è morto kabasu.... Il cane doge