Am I understanding the pricing correctly?
The signature of a cartoonist
Advice about blank firing guns
Ol boy messaged me from a parenting group 🫠
When you try looking cool and just end up causing an accident. Caught by co-worker's Tesla cam [oc]
This is why you don't road rage
Understandable reaction
Right place at the right time
Instant karma for douchey motorcyclist
Package thief gets set on fire
Gotta keep your head on a swivel if you're acting like that
Guy gets knocked out in front of his girlfriend during an altercation
Turn your high beams off!
Just in case you decide to rob a bank
Cheating boyfriend is caught in the act & gets his window busted out
Dealer has a little mishap when swapping
Cheater gets caught in the act and gets his windows busted out by his girlfriend & her cousin
Car stunt doesn't exactly go to plan
Don't mind me, just skating around
How does this even happen
I don't think I'd have the willpower to lay down and stay still
Just another day in Florida
If they guy you're fighting is making these sounds, RUN AWAY