My relationship started because of my autism, and now it might end because of my autism
I don't get the anomaly hate
I thought Changelings couldn't be around Vampires...?
Why can’t I retreat?
Does anyone have a complete list of Battle Magical Girl, and Battle Magical Girl adjacent series from 1997 and earlier?
I don't understand what I did wrong. As far as I knew he was just a coworker, but I guess maybe he's some form of a superior to me based on how he responded? I did not realize it wasn't okay to get to know people and feel embarrassed af. :\
Just because I’m curious what’s everyone’s least favorite DLC????
No, You Do Not Have a “Bit of the ‘Tism”
Sousuke, Religion, Alcohol....
Why are there so many fan suplemments for CofD but not or WoD? Like, Princess the Hopeful, Siren the Drowning, Genius the Transgression, theres even one for Silent Hill, and they are all for Chronicles of Darkness!
We are not going to see that kiss are we?
What songs have you been listening to lately?
What’s the point of this girl in the anime
How do I get rid of this mood debuf
How do you guys deal with not fitting in?
Why do some feel people with autism will die young?
My son (15 years old) had a friend pass away yesterday.
I love combat in this game
To those who don't work nor study
Rate the villain episode 5:Ilkubo,badass/10
Things in Futari wa Precure that basically didn't stick as something that stays in many Precure incarnations
What do you all think of Akira Kenjou/Cure Chocolat?
Things you don't like about your favourite series?
What was it like falling in love for the first time?
Digital = real to my son. Anyone else helped a child understand what is real vs not?