Do you consider mental illnesses to be chronic?
People who think healthcare is customer service
Why do people feel sorry for you if you are an only child?
Does anyone else take propranolol?
Do your eyes bug you even though your prescription is “correct”?
how bad does chronic pain to be to be a sign of some kind of illness/disease?
My coworker swears she's chronically ill and falling apart at the seams
Symptoms come and go—Is this consistent with POTS?
How do people do everything so easily ?
There are worse doctors out there...
Does anyone know the history of why we changed from circular glasses to the general shape of today? (more rounded on bottom, flatter on top)
(OC) How To Recognize a Drug-Seeker
Hey all, I have LONG COVID or COVID induced POTS with Dysautonomia. Been dealing with it for 18 months so far. Any medications help you with the fatigue?
Have you experienced medical gaslighting? How did it affect you?
Let single people feel how they feel on Valentine’s Day
“Just get contacts”
How to be taken seriously as a young cardiology patient?
Driving anxiety theory
What are some tips for improving spatial awareness while driving?
I figured out why I was single: I wouldn't date myself either
Possible systemic changes for improving treatment of chronic illness?
How did you all get tested for POTS?
Bvd onset age?
Forced to take allergy meds
how obvious is it when a girl doesn’t wear a bra?