Talismans/victors generation
Why is getting a job so difficult??? UK
Walk is whack
Silo S02E04 "The Harmonium" Episode Discussion (Book Readers Thread)
Where House Elves come from
Silo S02E03 "Solo" Episode Discussion (Book Readers Thread)
Tabitha and the underground
Let me hire this obvious fraud, the 7th grades will love to study his fav. colour during their finals!
What are your guys' favourite HP plotholes?
Is there some movie thing that you wish they could keep in the series?
Who are the other two that collect Harry from privet drive in OOTP?
Pick one character who died in the series to save, and one additional character who survived in the series to kill off. Who are you picking?
What is your HP unpopular opinion?
What small moment in the series made your heart swell?
Which plausible fan theories do you subscribe to?
Time turners and polyjuice insanity
In OOTP when dumbledore is threatened with time in azkaban he says he would easily escape, what are some of your theories on how he would do this?
What's the most pointless Harry Potter spell you can think of?
Why doesn't anyone use more than one wand?
What would you choose?
I love book Snape more than movie Snape
What Can I buy my mothers partner whom i don't really like for his birthday?
From Season 2, Episode 10: Once Upon a Time... (Season 2 Finale Discussion)
Harry’s character was completely destroyed in the movies
What's the point in wands?