it really sucks how much our generation was robbed of a normal adulthood
Am I the the only one that is really put off by the constant memes and posts about how people cant stand having to deal with other people?
The Loneliness Pipeline: How Young Men Get Caught in Far-Right Ideologies
Why is this sub so unhinged?
How do I just totally quit overthinking/being scared of everything dating?
Smug millennials hating on this generation are the most obnoxious hypocrites of all time
"don't use dating apps, they suck" WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO MEET PEOPLE???
"useless" degree holders that make close to 6 figures: HOW? What career do you recommend?
Has anyone else's life gotten worse as they became an adult?
I see more posts hating on incels than actual incel posting
Why do dudes even want girlfriends so badly anyways?
Unpopular opinion: I actually like the American everyday style
What’s a struggle you don’t think women fully understand about being a man?
Being the single one is so exhausting.
Why do I get more attention from women everywhere except at university?
I'm Tired of Being Tired of Being Single. What Do I Do?
Does working a 9 - 5 suck less than being in school?
Ugly gen Zers, what is your experience being ugly?
TikTok has ruined healthy relationships
Are you a loser if you graduate college a virgin?
Why are people more inclined to talk to me if im with a girl?
What is a good excuse for not dating?
I’m 26 years old and I haven’t had my first kiss yet. Is my dating life screwed?
I feel like being ugly is the only thing that’ll guarantee you being single forever
Anyone else want there to be a after life?