Selling my car: see description
W-2 but 2
Hazardous Waste Management for Independents
Tyson Foods drops CVS as their PBM and selects startup Rightway. Anyone have any experience with their reimbursement?
What's the deal with the bridge between LS and SEIR?
When a prescription has a diagnosis code on it, do we have to type that diagnosis code into iCD10 on the third party authorization screen?
vendor return
Full Time?
When filling prescriptions, should we stick the prescription label on testing supplies or should we put the label on the leaflet?
When do you Ieave?
Mounjaro Coupon
why are electronic transfers not a thing between chains?
Has anyone had their name changed while working at Walgreens?
RxOM here: Can I be scrutinized/fired for improper pharmacy record keeping if it was done before I started working here?
For opioid rx how do pharmacists determine acute/chronic fill and initial fill? I have always wonder about this
Going from lower volume to 24 hour high volume
Walgreens matching other Pharmacy wages?
Good morning to all of you beautiful people. I hope all of you have a stress free and easy day.
is this even legal?
Switching from CVS to Walgreens
Digital VARs not printing correctly
To resolve the LASA(look alike sound alike) TPR rejection I go and select 01-prior authorization and type 6666, can anybody list other ways for resolving other TPR rejections?