LF: Shiny GMAX or Shiny Galarian Birds. FT: Various Costume Shinies, 2018/9 shiny legendaries, shiny mew2/rayquaza/groudon/kyogre
Looking for Gmax charizard offering any below
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
Looking for Shiny Unown F and R caught in red pokeballs. Offering below
LF: Shiny Gmax Charizard. FT: Shiny background fuecoco
Read Description! Looking for top offering below
Looking for shiny bgs and old shiny costumes offers, offering pic below. Have more to offer
Looking for Shiny Dmax Machop. Offering What you think is fair
LF Below, Offering Below
Looking for shiny suicune offering below
Looking for Last Page, The Rest is for the taking (: Offering
Looking for RayBles2020! Offering Ultra friend trade!
Ft pic Lf offers
Looking for gbl / PvP shiny legends offering below
lf cosmog line , ft gmax
Looking for Armoured mewtwo, clones, cosmog family and just general offers, Trading Taipei background kyurem and zekrom thanks!
Looking for Kleavor, Marowak and braviery to be in non premier balls, FT: Shinies, ROT Dialga, OP Palkia, Regionals, Furfour forms, Shiny XXL Unown V and more (please see linked post)
Offering Guaranteed Lucky Trade Pokemon. Looking for Shiny Rayquaza or Groudon. Registered trades only please.
LF shiny GMax Charizard as lucky mirror shiny GMax Venasaur as Lucky offering pics 1 & 2. ❌✈️
Hatched shundo Charcadet
Looking for/offering below (read description)
LF: apex's and shiny BG's FT: shiny gmax starters Can Fly
LF top offering below
Looking for/Offering below
LF and offering in pics. Jigglypuff, Kirlia, and wurmple are costumes. Willing to do multiple for an apex.