he's hungry
My teammates whenever there's a free horse after it's rider got killed
What if either the gas or fire would creep onto the Passchendaele map as part of some dynamic weather event?
guy was hogging the tank slot all game, caught him at an opportune time
I didn't think I'd actually get him
I tried a few rounds of it. I get the appeal, but it is NOT for me, nearly threw my controller at the wall
Gas Mines are cool and all, but what about...
You ever have those moments where you just go, "fuck it", and see how far a play takes you?
Part of a complete and democratic breakfast
Out of the 4 behemoths, which one do you find the most disappointing?
That feeling of finally getting the Peacekeeper
I mean, he did stop us but why he do that?
Greedy little mf. Tried to take a flame trooper kit and go back to his mortar truck.
I will never achieve this again
If DICE had added playable Submarines, how would you have like them to be implemented?
go on, shoot me
Why me of all people?
My brain is too slow
I was promised gold, now I am in debt
average camping experience on Monte Grappa
If they had an all out brawl, which one would win?
you think he notice me?
I don't use the SMG 08, I swear