S4 E7: Ask Me My Name
I have depression and need suggestions for your favorite frozen foods from Trader Joe’s to keep myself fed
Can I Become a Lawyer With a Science Degree?
Not snark but anyone else preordering Sally’s new book?
Do you regret not having more kids?
TTC soon for baby no. 2, the idea of going back to the newborn phase is terrifying. ISO your experiences.
Olivia Tied in her latest partnership?
Lola Kirke’s Wild West Village
You see this a lot with SATC rewatch and Carrie— what is your complete 180 flip Girls character that you feel opposite about after rewatching as an older, wiser person?
I feel like we got the hard mode baby and I’m bitter.
Lilsipper goes full mask off, believes smart meters are the enemy
What kids show/movie have you banned from your household and why?
Ideas for a meat hating bub?
Honey pot pull tab discomfort
Pad See Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
CA fires- does anyone know how far JinJer live from where the fires are at?
Is this a heat rash or hives
Do you let your toddler roam the house freely while you shower?
Name a non American film you consider a masterpiece
Reported Cara for her dangerously stupid misinformation
Is the private in the room with us?
For the folks that aren’t sleep training, how’s it going?
We Can Bury Anyone
Sleep deprived 4 year old
Paris trip guesses