Does anyone else get random ulcers when you seemingly haven't bitten yourself?
What was your first concert?
What is your super power?
What shit are you too old for?
What it this called in your language?
I still think about this…
What is the last movie you watched and do you recommend it?
What is the smallest amount of money that would be life changing for you at this moment?
The Largest steam-powered tractor in operation is, the '150 HP Case' and weighs 34,000 kg (75,000 lb) and was constructed by Anderson Industries (USA), in Webster South Dakota, USA, in 2018.
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What's the oldest piece of tech you still own that still works just as well as new, and isn't obsolete?
Wilmington Rape Survivor Demands Justice After WPD Fails to Investigate Her Case
What's something weird, but harmless and non NSFW that you're into?
What is something you want but can’t afford?
a map i made summarizing the entire state of north carolina, tag yourself i’m in cigs
If you could turn 5 litres of water a day into any other liquid, what would it be?
If you had to guess, which single food have you consumed the most calories from in your life?
My fiancée's giant swimmer feet
❄️Batalla de Paletas Dia 6❄️¡¡Las dos paletas mas votadas seran elimindas!!
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
What browser do you use on mobile?
Why is this okay??
People who grew up religious, what took you away from religion?
Who's ready for the big day tomorrow?
Paul Rudd and Wilfred Brimley at the age of 52