My second god pack
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
First game that comes to mind when you see this most iconic PlayStation splash screen?
I’ve only been playing a couple weeks and got this!
Wall mount can't mount wall
Hello everyone. I drew you an Electrode.
2 years of blood sweat and tears.....down 200lbs
old gens..? opinions?
[Some of] My Sealed Pokemons Gold
someone posted a psp spread yesterday i think i got em beat
Opinion on if I should sell or keep.
Any ideas for a good name for my cat?
gotta try this once a month
Add on packs
[Request] How fast are these nukes traveling, to hit the Earth from the moon in the short time that they did?
If you sat down in my bathroom and saw this on the wall, what would you do?
What other names you got?
Drop your Destroyer name.
Why zig zag?
Why shouldn’t white people be doing this?
21 M, Living in florida now and i’m fucking melting, currently unemployed and longing to see the barbie movie 😔 or the new ninja turtles movie im a nerd
Why was this scientist poking the Protopet WITH A SWORD?!?
Service Manual
If you could only play games from 1 publisher for the rest of your life, who are you going with?
Day 8 of fusing every Gen 1 Pokemon into one, by adding the top comment