Telling boss you are pregnant is so weird
What’s something that instantly makes you suspicious of a person?
Was your first ultrasound internal or external?
Walgreens refused to fill my Adderall prescription today.
I went and told the world and now i’m not pregnant anymore
Why does everyone say “Good luck 😬” when I’m telling them I’m having a boy???
Failed pregnancy announcement
No Birth Plan?
My husband has 3 older sisters - none have had any part in my pregnancy, or really checked up in any way and it bothers my husband.
SIL is giving me lists of names that I’m not allowed to “steal”.
Could only see the gestational sac & a small ball of tissue
“Best friend” threatened my unborn baby.
People who are thin, how do you have the ability not to overeat?
How bad are energy drinks really?
A friend “just wait” comment got made me cancel plans with her. Stop using this stupid phrase.
Why do people hate introverts?
Feeling Torn About Allowing My Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room for My Second Baby"
Any tips to make my period come??
Whats your most shallow dating requirement?
I probably would’ve had kids had I been diagnosed sooner
Husband joked about nipple size and stretch marks
What is the single best maternity clothing item you own/have purchased?
AITA for asking a lesbian who will be the birthing mother?
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What to say when people ask if you're pregnant before you're ready to tell