What gaming "crime" you regularly do?
What is your favorite video game?
What game is like this for you?
What is the one thing in Mass Effect that you can never make yourself do?
What moment in Star Wars seems very realistic to you?
What game is this?
what game had you feeling this way?
What game mechanic did you never use or learn throughout the entire game?
What's the first game that pops into your head when you see this?
Shittiest betrayal in a video game
What video game music do you listen to while working out, doing chores, etc?
Which enemy/boss did you react to this way?
I feel this
What are some of the best indie games you have played?
What’s the most overrated game you’ve played?
What's a game with multiplayer you think was underrated and wish came back?
What makes a game's world "feel alive"?
Watching A New Hope again and this is one of the funniest moments in Star Wars for me. What is it for you?
Why is this so often the case? Is it bad game design or something inherent to the differences between a player controlled character and an NPC?
Thanks for the help
Battlefield 6's leaked pre-alpha - building Destruction
I'm a 37yo patient gamer on a journey to finish 1000 distinct games before I'm 50 (currently around 620 done)
What's your favorite Video Game of all time?
Butch wins! (or is it Bartholomew or Biff, idk) Who's the gremlin??
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