What are some Character that weren’t used to their full potential because they’d outshine the protagonist?
Ben 10 team ( No alien X) vs Viltrumite empire
My brain came up with something strange what do you guys think Professor Paradox’s favourite song is?
If you were Khyber, which part of a Tetramand would you collect?
What features is the Omnitrix missing?
What is the Most Overrated Alien in Classic/Original Series?
Is this real?
Uncle vs Grandpa
How the hell is Kevin is not rich as heck?, I mean if he absorbed gold or diamond or even taydenite and just produce it like he did in From Hedorium to Eternity, he would have been giga rich instead of engaging in deals for money.
Not counting Alien-X, what powers do Ben’s current aliens not have?
Name a character besides Superman and Thor that could stop a plane crash?
Who are your favorite match-ups? I want to see Ben vs. Invincible
Could the Forever Knights really get past all of the Omnitrix's security systems?
Ben 10 Legacy Chapter 2 (Artwork By Karystmania)
What was the most unexpected moment in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien?
The one thing i never understood for like 20 years
Darkstar was most hated, who's the hot one
Who’s your favourite Pokemon?
Which of ash’s Pokemon should’ve evolved/evolve further.
Important PSA
Favorite Antagonists who genuinely respect the protagonist and view them as an equal
Help identifying this guy?
Who would win in a fight Dharak or Marcus Damon?
What would Omniverse ben do if he was in these situations
Which Team Here Is Winning In A Fight?