Bought this RL authentic or not?
I wanna see your Veloster's
Vixia HF G50 &M1 What’s your combo?
Should this have hit?
For those interested, 7-14 of March there's an ongoing Amazon boycott
[Serious] What is your form of happiness?
my boyfriend cheated with my older sister.
Crazy how well these panels line up
The thing!
C’est quoi vos meilleurs friperies?
Rate this video
Working on my first fingerboard drop
good daily
My heat takes FOREVER
Any way to get this operator on BO6 or is it only available on Warzone? How are people using this skin?
Quelle est votre magasin, restaurant ou entreprise « que vous évitez à tout prix » ?
level 600 but i don't feel anything inside
Just made my fist fingerboard, should i add a graphic?
Quelqu’un cherche son Corolla plaqué F?
Too risky bro
Black ops 6 has lowkey changed my life
Cool lil snipe today
First Diamond unlocked 😊
Would you have liked the idea of dynamic maps like AW?