On which basis are these rankings?
Does guild boss damage increase over time?
Chapter 46 level 36 might be the single hardest individual level in a chapter..
Is this a good strategy?
Pulsing Orb vs Arrow of echoes
What power lvl is suited for these chapters ?
Finally after 2 weeks cleared floor 450
Little fishing helper
Fishing event p2w
Fishing event broken?
Quick Hunt Card vs Stage 19
Why do people farm stage 19?
Car before or after buying a house
For people who earn 100k or more what do you do for a living
May Long Weekend Robbery
Should i sell my car? How to go about it?
Is Bow Valley collage a diploma mill?
Called for my first jury summons, what should I expect?
I put $75k into the market on July 7th.
LF RAH or Say Cuddle for Flipping Couple
I still have Lion Around to trade. Doing 1:1, this is what I need.
As long as GME and AMC charts are almost identical, I refuse to believe this is organic price action...aka manipulation.
To all my fellow retards who bought GME at 300 and will never surrender!
How many others are holding $GME above $300? I’m all in @ 327
Portfolio tanked today but I bought the dip and I'm still holding on