Favorite song about music?
Hice este dibujo, ¿pueden darme retroalimentación?
Drawing of Jeff Buckley :)
Idk what i painted but i was listening to radiohead so...
Que dicen
Sculpture that i finished yesterday (I forgot to paint the teeth ok)
What song is playing?
What band/song do you think only four people know?
do I look like thom Yorke?
Practica rápida :3
Do I look like thom yorke
What is your favorite song that is longer than 10 minutes?
Long mining
New the bends ( ignore Pablo )
Which albums make you feel like each image?
Post your fav song from Kid A?
Bodoque enojado 😡
¿Han hecho amigos por internet que aún mantengan el contacto con ellos?
Lote de dibujitos
What was your first impression when you heard the other songs by Radiohead? If you knew them through Pablo Honey
What is your all time favorite song?
Nueva técnica
Collab que mi amigo nunca termino :c