Dyspareunia/Painful intercourse
What do yall use for treatment??
Ant killers with birds? Please read the description:)
What are essentials for my first laparoscopic surgery next month?!
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
Just got scheduled for a laparoscopic surgery next month! Any advice or tips?!?
I just wanna put this out there. Endometriosis sucks!
TMI and I’m so Embarrassed!
What is a food you once hated but now love?
What's your first ex ever up to these days?
What’s the best binge watch tv shows?
What’s the thing you bout that make bad days more bearable?
First time user last night! Should I continue using my machine this weekend with these bumps? Woke up to these bumps and they hurt!
First night with a sleep apnea machine was a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!
Is Pelvic floor therapy really worth it?
Huge Clots hourly
Just finished one of my mom’s presents!
Just got diagnosed finally for sleep apnea. I only have 80% of oxygen when I sleep.
Just finished another project! Where do you all get your favorite designs?
What type of therapy worked best for you?
Finished another one🐮
Finally finished Jesus and The last supper🤍