Do I give up?
stroke(r) game questions
In need of passing tips as well as name suggestions 🙏🏼
Black trans person: Jokes lightheartedly about white trans people being into CNC, Petplay, drugs and incest.
Is it still ok to have some "traits" of your birth gender
Middle name for Cameron??
Prosthetic collection; Ask me anything
When is it too late?
Unique, feminine K names
has anyone tried paxsies
Got catcalled for the first time
Trouble deciding
Just wanna say I love you, mascs & studs 🤍
Packer, STP and packing underwear for sale
TGS #1 Trans Packer Uncut 4" and 3 harnesses - $80
Axolom Noodie + Extras (some freebies!)
is my name too fem?
Condom brands that are silicone free?
Lesbian bar NYC
Difference between the word trans man and trans masc
What do yalls names mean?
Butch/lesbian as a gender
Does your chosen name have to sound similar to your deadname?
bathroom tips (STP edition): how to work yourself up to using a crowded urinal
sooo… what do y’all watch (or read) 👀