Entei and Suicune: Blissey takes the stage
Why is Walgreens' Pharmacy the WORST Customer Experience??
With the obvious further implementation of gmax and dmax raids how useful will the kanto starters be going forward?
Kinda tired of typing all these names out
I know we're a little too close to the Kanto GMax weekend to make any major changes to a lineup, but I needed a cheat sheet for myself to help better understand how to organize for the day. Let me know what I missed.
Osaka Expo Special Spawns
Quick analysis on the best Max Shield users
Hoopa raid day, easy duo?
Shiny survey: Preparing for the bugs
Legendary dynamax damage needs serious balancing
Shadow Regirock DUO with NO GEMS
Pokémon GO: In-Depth General Legendary Dynamax Max Battle Guide
A PvP Analysis on Community Day Escavalier and Accelgor
Lineups against current rocket rotation?
Now is the time for a UI counter: 'Guaranteed Lucky in a trade increased to 35 – Pokémon from 2019 now count'
Nifty Or Thrifty: The Return of Love Cup ❤️
Powerspot Pokemon just changed
Freeze Shock + Ice Burn PvE data has been updated again already.
The Best Pokémon for Max Battles Ranked
Max Battles Hot Take: Greedent as the budget/dedicated Max Spirit healer
Lunar Event - Lucky Friends
Since the closing of the Silph Road website, how do people find local community discords/ Facebook groups/ etc?
Gigantamax Kingler counters & strategy
How good is GMax Kingler compared to other water-type GMax (eg Blastoise) and DMax?
When and how to use your charged attack in max battles