ACCT Philly adopts out 57lb fear/aggressive pit bull Daxon, who goes after the adopter's cats, bites her dog's eye and finally bites a person. When she refuses to hang onto him for one more week and he's euthanized, the advocates flip out on her.
Gwinnett Animal Control catching hell for a giant stray pit bull running around the Georgia woods with a catchpole attached to him (Georgia)
Patrycja Siarek's 2 pit bulls savagely attacking a dog inside her condo building's elevator in 2021 was precursor to life-altering attack on child in 2024.
Pit bull attacks Lab on city street, owner flees with pit but turns himself in on FB after video of him fleeing and calling the dog's name makes the rounds on local social media. He sics his friends on the victim's owner (March 11, 2025, Wales)
2000s movies, 2 brothers, 1 falls in love with the other's wife, turns out that brother is dying, set in Scotland
Youth Horse book 70s- early 80s
Book where a guy has to build a wall for the house of a guy who is recreating the world in miniature?
Animal Haven, staff fave Sarge who mauled a volunteer, and the angry advocates who bullied AH into pausing plans to euthanize (CT)
Pitbull attacks shelter volunteer. March 5, 2025 North Haven, Connecticut USA.
Palm Valley Animal Society (Texas) is baffled, baffled as to how one of their sheltered dogs wound up with a mangled leg. No, they have no plans to re-examine the fate of other dogs in her kennel, or a neighboring kennel, whyever would you ask such a silly question? (NSFL)
Animal Sanctuary Society (NJ) adopts out dog that is great for 2 months and then mauls adopter's son. ASS refuses to take the dog back, forcing adopter to take it to the pound. Adopter becomes a doodle owner. (October 2020, NJ)
Black "staffy" kills Dachshund on a beach (March 5, 2025 in Wales, UK)
Longtime family pet pit bull attacks its owners, inflicting "multiple to his upper torso to the bone" to the male owner and breaking the female owner's arm. Dog had to be shot to allow EMTs access. (March 6, 2025 in Texas)
That attack last month during the Philly Super Bowl street celebration? Was a pit bull, per the victim's dad. (Feb 9, 2025, Philadelphia PA)
Pit bull attacks Golden Retriever in UK (March 4, 2025, Falkirk, Scotland)
BARC (Texas) Houston shelter cracks down on wild wild west of networkers and rescuers
NJ animal control officer picks up chipped doodle, but since the chip goes to an address in a town he doesn't work for, that's out of his jurisdiction
Pit bull taken to Tractor Supply shows his farm dog skills by eating chicks
Willful, performative ignorance creating pit bull blindness
I went to the tractor store to get some grit and a pitbull attacked the baby chickens and started to eat them
$4000 raised to rescue Pit Bulls -- Let's raise more!!!!
What do you miss most from your teenage years?
Pit bull killed someone and it made the headlines? I am a pit bull breeder running to the comments section!!
Free-range pit bull charges neighbor's service dog (March 2025, Oregon)
Dog is so bad rescuses won't even take it in!