Thank you Blackmagic Design for the free edition of DaVinci Resolve
How-to: Ravencoin Full Node on Ubuntu 22.04
Using a CPU cooler on an RTX 3090 back plate - knocked off 10 degrees from VRAM
Bath Cooling
Tax Implications of Canadian (with NZ PR) working for NZ company, paid in NZD for 6 months of the year in NZ & other 6 months remotely in Canada?
MX75 Rebooting Randomly
Good morning
Agreed Value almost 50% lower after a rear end
Giveaway reminder: Win a Bitmain Antminer S21+! Haven't entered yet? This is your chance to win an ASIC miner for mining Bitcoin (BTC) from - in collaboration with NiceHash.
Overdrawn Shareholder Account and Shutting Down a Failed Startup
Council have issued encroachment notice but this was not advised on the LIM
Stocks and switching from being a trader
Canaan Avalon Nano 3 - Fan issues - three nanos in a row
Stock market crashing
Insurer being challenging
How Stacks Escrow Smart Contracts Enhance Security in Bitcoin Layer 2!
Kiwi saver fund change
Tips for starting a lawn mowing business
Manipulation of photos
Am I able to build and fund the fence myself if it's on our boundary? Do I still need neighbour's consent?
NZ Bitcoin Reserve
Can’t afford fence
Has Anyone Considered Mining with Solar Power and DC Direct Connection?
Nz tax question
Just started off with my first bitaxe! But how do we know "" is legit? Is it possible if someone mines a block that they choose to keep the reward?