Risk Universalis is a wild place
is life fake?
What's the biggest lie or scam that society have accepted?
Non - polish people, what comes to mind when you think of Poland?
Straight people of Reddit what’s the gayest thing you’ve done?
What is your favourite way to waste time?
If you were to spend the last 24 hours of your life, what would you do?
What did just NOT go as planned?
What was the saddest thing your friend told you?
Shhip2300 nigga!
Heil shhip2300 fuck shhip2300 heil hitler fuck poland
What is something you found out that ruined your life?
What's the closest feeling to death that isn't death?
I filled my dog with helium recently.
What is something that you wished you never ever knew about? (Pick these categories: something disgusting, disturbing, scary, weird)
Should I buy a ps5?
People who have toxic/abusive parents, what is it like?
True, that is. (I put it Sunday shitpost becuase it's a shitpost)