a prequel
Not counting outright disappointments, what’s a game you anticipated for years, then played briefly and forgot about pretty quickly?
Watch D&D: Honor Among Thieves on Netflix - let's drive up the view count
Why did I never question the fact that the deathstar kept a trash monster in a trash compactor for some reason?
What would you do if Barack Obama rang on your doorbell?
What's your favorite game that you can't really recommend to people?
SERVERS/BARTENDERS/Anyone who is a tipped “food and beverage employee”: Legislation to cut your pay was introduced Monday (2/11/2025)
how to deter creepy regulars?
Shower thought : why are Quidditch players covered in mud ?
Can we all acknowledge how smooth Fred actually is
Theater options like Alamo
Prime Video is Total Garbage Now
What's an unfunny show made worse with a laugh track?
What do men think about jacked women?
Favourite and least favourite quotes?
Games which are a buggy mess but you still played it?
I really hope none of the actors need to be replaced
Scott "It wasn't a Nazi salute" Jennings
In your mind how does Albus win the duel?
The clawfullest
Orange pellets work on mutagenic strength?!
Early aggression
Do Crone/Nornor require a nerf?
What is the best wielder "Power(s)" to have?