I ordered 12 tomatoes. I received 12 bunches of 6 tomatoes. I have 72 tomatoes and I leave the country for 2 weeks tomorrow...
Why does Fred think the S3’s aren’t strong enough to wear Mjolnir?
It's a different Palmer (AFAIAA).
fe6 ch4 if rutger wasn't fucking around
A mistake is something a man does, like going to war without a reason, or executing a simpleton.
Robert Kirkman on casting Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Conquest in ‘INVINCIBLE’ Season 3:
The most unrealistic part of FMA: the idea that Roy is the ladykiller and Jean is perpetually single. Even though Jean can actually pull off facial hair? and Roy can't????
“What’s up? My name is Angie. I smoke weed before every meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, fourth meal, second lunch, third breakfast.”
What happens if literally every Dasher declines an order?
She has such an eloquent way with words...
You can summon crickets at will if you have good intentions towards them
Foreman moments.
During the Duelling Club, almost everyone of the students understood what Harry said to the snake
Lydia, Cuddy or Dominika?
I think... I miss them
Say something nice about John Redcorn.
Since the Covenant called Spartan IIs or Mjolnir armored Spartans Demons, should they have called SPI armored Spartan IIIs Wraiths? It seems like a missed opportunity lore wise.
Is Juliette a tragedeigh?
Are ex-Covenant alien planets lucrative for drug trading? (just curious, no illegal activity here, noooooo!)
Friday Buyday 03/14/25
The finale did this fight so much justice, I can die happy now.
Why do you think that Nearly Headless Nick stayed as a ghost?
Who should voice thragg in invincible? Any suggestions?
Make birthdays random
Cecil's teleportation