Why don't we give Adderall to everyone?
Riocard com dinheiro acumulado: o que fazer?
Can someone please ease my fears of AGI/ASI
Associates of (ex)-LessWronger "Ziz" arrested for murders in California and Vermont.
Journalist looking to talk to people about the Zizians
Marky Sparky's AMA makes it look like Nathan 's method is simply unethical. What are your thoughts on this?
I'm Greek. Now what?
in favour of prostate orgasms
Como pode tudo estar decaído de qualidade? Isso está ficando insuportável.
Como é que pode isso passar na TV??
Esse Coca-Cola Zero não tem açúcar, gordura, nem carboidratos, só um pouco de sódio. Se o sabor mal muda, por que não fazer essa a versão padrão?
Is LinkedIn premium worth it?
What is this type of titlecard called? I've seen it in on feature length film recently but I can't remember which one
I might be too ugly to work in my field. What should I do?
Alternative to Singulair? Can't stand the nightmares anymore
Movie "Your Sister's Sister" brings up an interesting question.
Why is there such a big debate between Film and Digital?
ACX Endorses Harris, Oliver, Or Stein
Is there a way to add audio to 300 video's in an automated way?
is it possible to resize a person's nose on Adobe Premiere or after effects?
Alguém pode explicar o porquê que a taxa selic em 13.75% ao ano era ruim de forma simples?
Qual a chance de ter uma guerra mundial por causa do conflito entre Israel e os árabes na região da Palestina?
79 Percent of CEOs Say Remote Work Will Be Dead in 3 Years or Less
What are your most fun/lucrative financial hustle stories?
XKCD: Goodhart's Law