Orgasming to induce
Where does this 22 bolt go to?
So mad at the pharmaceutical/medical industry : hsv2 & pregnancy
Mystery hammer
How empty the wife Valentine’s Day cards section is compared to husband
Is this a cold sore? Has appeared in the same place throughout the last 8+ years randomly.
This sucks (rant)
Does anyone have any idea what this slide goes to?
Does anyone know what these firing pins go to?
Woman in Germany harassed for not wearing a hijab
When does a soul enter the body before birth?
Our bunny only licks my fiancé
I’m so sad
Is there an ai that can color my sketches?
Solutions to China’s birth rate problem don’t lie in Japan’s playbook - Japan’s expensive, inefficient approach will not get China back on the right track, and neither will the coercion of the one-child policy
Abandoned dog
Do rabbits get nightmares?
I got my IUD removed recently ☺️❤️
Chronic constipation after IUD removal?
Hypnagogic hallucinations - anyone hear music/voices?
I feel like Visual static/ visual snow is a sign of a deeper more intricate phenomenon.
Seeing liquid metallic looking "atoms" or "bubbles" after healing and visions - what are they?
What is actually happening when you see static vision while in a dark room or closing your eyes? What is that called?
How to change your mind on Netflix. Will watch now))