Non-Belief and Blame
It should be obvious.
Question to theists that became atheist
Is atheism inherently bad? I wish to join the sect, but the statistics paint an unfavorable picture.
If white supremist hate anyone who isn’t white why don’t they go back to their old pagan gods and religions that originated in Europe? Do they not realise that Christianity is also a foreign religion from the Middle East and that Jesus was a brown man that didn’t speak English ?
Putin is asking Christian Americans to move to Russia to preserve their way of life.
Advice Needed
Im not good at debates
Agnostic person here with a few questions!
What’s with the snarky atheist posts
Moment of weakness. I feel like my atheist friends are enjoying life more and I have no effect on bringing them closer to God.
You guys have any tips on handling insults and personal attacks because of our faith?
Finding Truth
This Subs Perception of Atheists
Most people going to hell worldview
I don’t wanna go to Heaven
Disbelief in ECT due to trauma/emotion
Is it moral to try and convince a happy homosexual couple to break up?
Restorative Judgment in the Psalms
I almost puked reading this. How are we worshipping the same God?
An atheist’s views on universalism