2 Mega swampert 0678 3390 7217
WB Articuno - 877962845729 - Starting Now!!!!!
Black Kyurem 2 locals 067833907217 be online
Kyurem on me 2 locals 0678 3390 7217 and 2771 6350 7352
Reshiran 067833907217 please be online
Tornadus 067833907217 olease be online wb
Landorus raid, 0678 3390 7217 please be online
3 genesect Raid, we are two locals please be online 0678 3390 7217 and 2771 6350 7352
I’ll host 2 raid Genesect, please ve online 0678 3390 7217
Genesect on me, please be online 0678 3390 7217
Mega altaria 067833907217, please be online
Primal kyogre and groudon at the same time. We are two locals 0678 3390 7217 and 2771 6350 7352 please be online
Dialga two locals 067833907217
Mega ampharos 2 locals 067833907217, olease be online
Palkia now adding 5. 893822148745
LUGIA 3 LOCALS 069919812177
078120906092 shinny boost
2 local party power lugia raid 085855635881
889447929313 Lugia 2 local
Lugia raid three local 610666419631 WB
OMG!!!! I cant believe it
Giratina on me, we are 2 locals. Add 067833907217 ( pls be online)
Mega Sableye on me, 2 locals 067833907217( please be online)
Groudon on me 067833907217
724922910746 wb