Who's your favorite artist or band right now?
Best adult animation shows?
Metal (or rock) songs with a piano
Modern Metal Recs
Epic Live Performance
Songs about waiting
What are some lesser-known indie bands I should check out?
Bands whose music sounds like Falling to Pieces by Faith No More
Techno / pop music that is a jam?
I'm looking for more recent music that sounds like a new genre or a new type of sound
Slower songs about trees or forests or with references or symbolism of trees or forests?
New rock music that feels fresh (bands newer than 5-10 years old)
New Music Suggestions...I've missed a few decades
Fav confidence rap song?
Been wanting to branch out as I've gotten bored of a lot of music I like
What’s some unexpectedly good music you’ve come across?
I’m listening to 200 new-to-me albums over the course of 2025. Help me add some.
Tell me your all time favorite song and i'll rate it!
Any and all progressive and math rock songs/albums/artists
Shuffle your biggest or most diverse playlist and share the first song that plays. No skipping!
Whats your favorite band?
Go to your Liked Songs and post the most recently added track. No cheating!
any recommendations?
looking to get into the classics!
Looking for some great Rec.’s, Thank you